Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April Showers Shall Bring May Flowers

As the spring finally arrives, the new WINC facility is really taking shape. When we set out to design the new center, we wanted to be a green as possible - not always an easy thing to do with a “medical” building. One of the more visible features of our green building however is that we are collecting 100% of the rainwater from the roof and recycling it for use in our outdoor enclosures. This water will be used to clean and water the enclosures throughout the summer. Additionally, a demonstration area has been built to showcase how ordinary people can employ the same techniques at home. Through visual aids and regular public programs we plan to illustrate how anyone can reuse water for irrigation and other outdoor needs. We will also demonstrate how by creating a natural way of filtration, you can create a wonderful outdoor habitat for wildlife that will continue throughout the year. Water conservation and water issues are important for all of us especially in southeastern Wisconsin. Our hope is that this educational model can help someday reduce dependence on well and city water throughout Waukesha County

As we move forward as an organization the intent at the new WINC facility will not only be to rehab our injured and orphaned wildlife, but to educate people in the community about ways they can help our surroundings – in turn helping wildlife themselves. 

 Just behind the building, between the library/meeting room and the outdoor enclosure area is the main focal point of the rear water retention system. This area will have a small fountain (much like the smaller size system in the front) that will help to keep the water filtered on a continual basis.

These blocks create the structure that holds the retained water. They have been buried underground and are strong enough to support the weight of the ground, rocks and living habitat that will be created atop them.

WINC volunteer and supporter, Joel Reinders, helps to lay out the foundation rock for the surface of the water retention system. This system will not only allow us to keep many thousands of gallons of water from going directly back into the area streams and groundwater, but will allow us to filter and reuse it as well - saving many gallons of water that would need to be used to properly clean and maintain our outdoor enclosures. This above ground fountain area will also serve as an ideal living habitat for native wildlife and a peaceful sight for staff, volunteers and visitors to the center.

This entire system and the beautiful landscaping that will cover it couldn't have been possible without the combined support of Reinders Inc, Dean Pipito Water Features, the Waukesha County Extension and our many dedicated supporters and volunteers. If you would like to make a monetary or in-kind donation to help us complete this project please contact us.

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